Luke was born blind, and for the first 5 years of his life never left his mother’s side.
He was completely dependent and attached and couldn’t develop any communication skills. He didn’t even have the confidence to walk on his own. He was left isolated from other children his age and his parents didn’t believe he would be able to have a positive future.
As soon as he was enrolled in school through our Child-to-Child Inclusive Education Project, however, Luke’s prospects completely turned around. The teachers at Luke’s school had been trained in inclusive education and worked hard with him to develop his communication skills. Fantastically he can now signal to his friends and teachers whenever he needs anything, and his social skills are growing daily.
The project has provided Luke with a white cane, meaning he is finally able to enjoy independence, walk around and navigate his environment on his own; and most importantly, make friends. Luke’s parents are thrilled and amazed.
His parents’ outlook has completely changed, and they now have really positive hopes for Luke’s future. They have even joined the local parent’s group, supporting other parents of children with disabilities in their community.
We can’t believe what Luke can now do on his own. We’re so grateful for all the work the teachers have done with him.
– Grace#WeAreAllAble