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International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024

This month, as we celebrated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on December 3 2024, members of the Able Child Africa Network continually advocate for the voices of children and youth with disabilities in their communities to be heard.

Action Network for the Disabled (ANDY) in partnership with the Nairobi County and other stakeholders joined in the celebrations of IDPD. Their main mission was to highlight the importance of collaborations to foster inclusion and sustainability. Together with other partners within the country they continue to champion for inclusive leadership, advocacy and equal opportunities for all.

The Action Foundation (TAF) in partnership with the Ministry of Education DSNE, Nairobi City County, the media, and alongside children and youth with disabilities, flagged the first inclusive Mobile Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) hub during the celebrations for IPDP in Nairobi County. This marks a significant milestone in advancing inclusive STEM education and expanding access to hands-on learning opportunities for people with disabilities. TAF is proud to resonate with this year’s theme and form collaborations in fostering STEM inclusion among children and youth with disabilities.

Uganda Society for Disabled Children (USDC) participated in the celebrations of IDPD together with the Minister of State of Disability Affairs in Uganda and were actively engaged in advocating for disability-inclusive higher education policies. USDC remains vocal in ensuring that the voices of youth and children with disabilities are heard within different platforms both nationally, regionally and globally.

Uwezo Youth Empowerment together with children with disabilities from GS Catholic Kabuga and GS Kimironko 11 through the Seruka Club, celebrated IDPD by participating in environmental protection by planting trees around their schools. The children stated that for any sustainable future there was a need to have a habitable environment that is accessible and would make a difference in Kigali, Rwanda

Zambia Association of Parents for Children with Disabilities (ZAPCD) partnered with UNICEF and the Ministry of Health during the celebrations of IDPD  by ensuring that children with disabilities at a physiotherapy centre at the Chawama Hospital received gifts. In line with this, ZAPCD has participated in an event with the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services to ensure that persons with disabilities are involved in key decision positions, so as to enhance inclusive policies and development.

International Day for Persons with Disabilities is not just a one-day event – it means so much more.

It reminds each of our network members that we are able to have a unified voice, amplifying the voices of children and youth with disabilities in Africa as well as breaking down the barriers that we continually identify in our journey towards an inclusive society. 

The Able Child Africa Network works continuously to create a movement that will radiate across Africa. Despite the different geographical locations that each network member is located in, they speak the same language and are fully united in the theme that states: “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future”.


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